Welcome to MAXX Fastpitch, a company that specializes in providing the best instructional and showcase opportunities for today’s college-bound softball players. We believe in keeping our company’s focus on the athlete--we strive to provide the best instruction and resources to the athletes and their parents through our clinics. Our qualified staff are here to assist players and parents maneuver through the complex nature of collegiate athletics and the recruiting process.
The most unique aspect of our camps and clinics is the number of participants--we aim to keep our coach to player ratios low, therefore we limit the number of participants in each of our camps and clinics. We do not oversell our camps.....the focus is on quality, not quantity. Also, our instructional staff is made up of current college coaches and nationally know instructors. Therefore, you can be assured that you are receiving instruction and advice from the best in the profession.
MAXX Fastpitch is a national company. We can host camps/clinics anywhere in the United States in conjunction with tournaments or other events. If you are interested in sponsoring a camp/clinic at an event that you are hosting, or if you would like to host a camp/clinic with your team, organization, or league, please visit our contact page to send us an email.
What makes our events different?
We limit the number of participants per event. Our camps are limited to 40 or fewer participants.
We employ current college coaches who are expected to instruct, not just evaluate.
We employ coaches who are committed to teaching the most innovative and efficient skill techniques in softball.
Our camps have a small coach to athlete ratio, allowing for opportunities to engage with coaches and ask questions.
We have a detailed itinerary--every coach knows exactly what is expected of them throughout the day.
We provide recruiting education resources developed from a college coach's perspective.
We use video and data driven technology to measure skills and provide feedback to participating athletes.